AEON Microfinance (Myanmar) Co.,LTD.
Other Enquiry
Other Enquiry Main Categories
Technical Issue
Customer enquiry about technical issue
Don't like AEON service and inconvenience case.
Reject enquiry
Customer want to know reject reason and why unsuccessful case.
General Enquiry
Customer want to know which was not include in FAQ.
General Enquiry
Customer can't reach to hotline
General Enquiry
Customer provide information and request AEON to contact
General Enquiry
Other person enquriy behave of customer
General Enquiry
Customer Can't Reach to hotline to contact again.
Other Division
Customer enquiry from other division
P-Loan enquiry
Customer want to apply P-Loan
P-Loan enquiry
Old customer want to apply P-Loan
P-Loan enquiry
Old customer want to apply P-Loan Customer not provide full information
Customer appreciate AEON service
New Agent Approach
New agent want to co-operate with AEON